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    昨天,新西兰民族事务部在St Columba Centre举行了第三届The OEA Ethnic Media Gathering(民族事务媒体会),会上宣布了有关移民中介规范的最新规定。

移民顾问牌照法2007(The Immigration Advisers Licensing Act 2007)即将实行,如果移民顾问没有领取牌照而营业将会被视为违法行为。


所有上牌的事务都会由移民顾问管理局(Immigtation Advisers Authority)负责。






    1、Who needs to be licensed?

    Anyone who is giving immigration advice, unless they are exempt(see list below).

Is the Immigration Advisers Authority the same as Immigration New Zealand?

No. The Authority is hosted whithin the Department of Labour, but it is run independently from the Department's day-to-day immgration functions.

    3、What is immgration advice?

    Immigration advice is:

Using, or purporting to use, knowledge of or experience in immigration to advise, direct, assist or represent another person in trgrad to animmigration matter relating to New Zealand, whether directly or indirectly and whether or not for gain or reward.

    Immigration advice is not:

Providing information that is publicly available or that is prepared or make available by the Department of Labour;

Directing a person to the Minister or the Department of Labour or an immrgration officer,a vise office, a refugee status officer, or a list licensed Immigration Advisers;   

    ·Carrying out clerical work, translation or interpreting services, or settlement services.

    4、Who is exempt from licensing?

    Certain people are exempt from licensint, but can stlll provide advice. These include:

    ·People who provide immigration advice in an informal or family context only, so long as the advice is not provided systematically or for a fee

    ·Current member of Parliament and their staff who provide immigration advice within the scope of the ir emoloyment agreement

    ·Foreign diplomats and consular staff accorded protection under certain Acts

    ·Public serive employees who provide immigration advice within the scope of their employment agreement


    ·People working (either emplyed or volunteers)for community law centres, where ar least one lawyer is involved with the centre in asupervisory capacity

    ·People working (either employed or volunteers)for citizens advice bureaux

    ·People who provide immigration advice offshore who advise on student visa and permit applications only

    ·People empted by Regulations

周一至周五 9:00~18:00

